Monday, September 22, 2008

Home Improvement

Oh my goodness--what was I thinking? Thursday I started a new project--painting the kitchen, not only the walls but the cabinets as well. I'm not finished yet but I am completely sick of it. Can't get the kids to help me--and truthfully without their willingness I dont want them to--if I forced them to help it would be sloppy. Gary never is big on painting-redecorating type things so I knew not to ask him. Thank God for mothers! My mom came over Saturday and helped! I don't know what I would do without her. Unfortunately, we didn't finish mainly because of wait time--waiting on a coat to dry to put on another coat...but we got a lot done--so today from 8am-1pm I worked relentlessly on painting. Two coats on the walls later I am wiped out! I still have to finish up a last coat on the cabinets and put them back on!!!! Things are looking better though!
Why in the world I ever took on this project I don't know! I don't like doing this sort of thing--I am motivated by hopefully selling this house and buying something new! We need a bigger house!'s a few things I've learned over the past few days

1. Even though KILZ says "low odor" you still can get high from the fumes
2. USE A STEP LADDER--not a bar stool
3. Color NEVER EVER EVER NEVER--looks the same on the little squares as it does the walls--did I say never!!!
4. When a paint project begins the family disappears
5. You can never find new cabinet hardware that exactly fits the holes from the old ones
6. New cabinet hardware is EXPENSIVE
7. Home Depot is the most awesome store in the world
8. My mother is even more awesome than I thought before!
9. I hate painting-next time I will be hiring someone
10. I'm proud of myself for being able to do this and getting it done-and it looks great!

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