Friday, December 5, 2008

Catchin up....

Wow its been a long time since i've posted anything--i dont even know that anyone even reads this anyway...

So, Blake is still going on rounds of doctor appts just to hear them say lets see how it is in a couple of weeks...yet each time its no better and now we are looking at surgery after christmas

christmas..ugh! i hate the thought of it, no where near finished with christmas shopping, yet no money to finish it with. It's hard getting excited about something that causes a strain!

I won a meet and greet and concert tickets to Chasen off the radio the other day. Garrett and i went to the meet and greet and Blake and his friend are going to the concert tonight..i want to go but he doesnt want his old mom tagging along.

work is...well work. we keep getting called off for low census and that really sucks. thank GOD i am chemo certified or i would be getting called off even more. no work=no pay and that is not a good thing!

Thanksgiving was good, i worked so thanksgiving day i went and did the family thing but was in a fog all day.

thats it for now--i will try to keep up better next time! ;-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm still here...

Yeah, it's been a while...sorry

The computer at home is STILL not working. So a few weeks ago I borrow my moms to work on a project for my cheerleaders. Little did I know she didn't have some type of virus scan so--naturally--HER computer is infected now I go to Staples and buy a virus scan and can't get the darn thing to work. I spent most of the day working on it before I gave up. If it weren't this time of year I would have already taken it to someone who knows what they are doing.
Anyway-long story short--I only get online at work so if I'm off a few days I don't get a chance to get online unless I go to the library.

Blake went for an MRI today. I had to go to work before he got home but I talked to Gary tonight and he said Blake said it was painful!! I had no idea an MRI of the arm was painful! I would have given him some Motrin before he left had I known. I pray he won't need surgery. I feel like he is so disappointed that he may not be able to wrestle this year and who knows, depending on the severity of his injury-his sports career could be over. In a way sports is what has defined Blake for so many years and I hope that all this worrying is just me and that none of this has crossed his mind.

Work has been going ok. We are either REALLY busy or really NOT busy. People have been getting called off ALOT! This is not the time of year for that and I wonder why in the world we are building a new multi million dollar hospital if this hospital's budget is so bad. Makes no sense to me!!!

The house hunt is till on. The one I posted sold so we are back at square one...and still wanting to get things in order at home to put ours on the market. It's so stressful!! I still think it would be easier to move out first so that things would stay clean so we could show it!! The kids aren't cooperating and I feel like I'm chasing my tail at home trying to get them to understand they have to pick things up and keep things in order!! The only way our house will sell is by the grace of God!

I'm trying my best not to let something bother me and to not have ill feelings towards someone but so far it's just not working. I found out the other day -from Blake-that his girflfriends mom did not like him. First of all, she doesn't KNOW him! Maybe she could say she doesn't like 16 year old boys in general but not specifically say she doesn't like Blake. This really irritates me. I have seen and heard how some of Blake's friends talk and act and this girls mom should be thrilled that her daughter likes Blake and not some of these other kids I know about. I told Blake he should just move on. I mean it isn't like they are madly in love or he isn't married to this girl so he shouldn't have to deal with the issues! Anyway I'm praying for these mean thoughts and feelings towards this lady to go away and that Blake will make the right choices.

Garrett and Jada are just fine thank God. Garrett is still playing away at the guitar and consuming himself with college football...Jada has a new friend that just moved down the road. Lizzy has become part of the family!

Gary is almost finished with his first semester of the masters program at Southern. One down--who knows how many to go..

Until next time....

Monday, November 3, 2008

What I want for Christmas

We are going to look at it later on this week! I'm so excited!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOW WHAT A WEEK--and it's only Wednesday

I just have a second but let me just say...

Thank GOD Blake's arm isn't broken, he has torn cartiledge in his wrist--not sure if thats much better as far as playing sports goes but no broken bones is always a good thing!

Jada is feeling better--she is actually outside with the neighbor right now so she is doing a lot better. Gonna try sending her back to school tomorrow and see how it goes. No fever since last night so if she stays that way tonight and in the morning she will go back to school.

GARRETT is happy and healthy and uninjured and we plan to keep it that way!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


If you miss Death's Door you missed a blessing--here's scene one!


I made this video for the parents of my cheerleaders--gonna copy it and give it to them at our end of the year party--what do you think???